Guest Professor at KU Leuven (2018 - present)
My work at the KU Leuven covers three kinds of screening experiments:
Designs with hard to change and easy to change controllable factors.
Order of addition designs (in collaboration with professor Robert W. Mee of the University of Tennessee at Knoxville, TN, USA).
Designs with four-level and two-level factors (in collaboration with PhD student Alexandre Bohyn).
Extended CV
Senior Statistical Consultant at the Dutch Organization of Applied Scientific Research, TNO (1987 - 2020)
TNO conducts contract research in many areas of science. I was involved as a statistical consultant in large-scale experimental studies. My track record features experiments on an industrial scale involving beer brewing, cheese making, and flour processing. Experimental studies on laboratory scale under my statistical supervision include diamond turning of mirrors for space satellites, fluid jet polishing, chemical synthesis of catalysts on gauze, and reducing the acidity of beverages.
At TNO I had the good fortune to meet Pieter Eendebak, who was immediately interested in my work on orthogonal arrays. We developed efficient enumeration procedures for orthogonal arrays, resulting in extensive catalogs.
Researcher at Eindhoven University of Technology, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science (2002 - 2006)
At Eindhoven University of Technology, I was co-advisor of Man Nguyen. His main advisor was the discrete mathematician Arjeh Cohen, from whom I learned a lot on statistical designs as discrete mathematical structures. The PhD research of Man was a first attempt to enumerate orthogonal arrays, and my task was to bring in the applied side. Somewhere in my Eindhoven years, I had the good fortune to meet Peter Goos, who later invited me to come over as guest professor to Antwerp and later to Leuven.
Scientific Assistant at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Departmen of Biology (1983 - 1984)
My first scientific paper dates back to this period. Under supervision of my friend Wim van der Steen, I learned to write in a coherent and compact way. This is easier said than done!
Scientific Researcher at Erasmus University Rotterdam, Institute of Public Health and Social Medicine (1984 - 1987)
It was at the Erasmus University that I learned to find my way on a personal computer and to use a statistical package on a mainframe computer. My task was to develop an OR model simulating what would happen if high blood pressure were detected in the population in a systematic way.
Guest Professor at University of Antwerp, Faculty of Business and Economics (2006 - 2017)
Peter Goos invited me to become a guest professor in Antwerp. It was there that I came of age scientifically. My work focused on exploring the catalogs of orthogonal arrays with PhD students Bagus Sartono, Nha Vo-Thanh and Alan Vazquez (all jointly supervised by Peter and me).