1. Schoen, E.D., Jager, J.C., van Verseveld, H.W., and Stouthamer, A.H. (1985) Statistical analysis of growth limitations in Paracoccus denitrificans: an experiment with a completely randomized two-way factorial design with replications. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek 51: 11-24.

  2. Arts, J.H.E., Zwart, A., Schoen, E.D., and Klokman-Houweling, J.M. (1989) Determination of concentration-time-mortality relationships vesus LC50s according to OECD guideline 403. Experimental Pathology 37: 62-66.

  3. Zwart, A., Arts, J.H.E., Klokman-Houweling, J.M., and Schoen, E.D. (1990) Determination of concentration-time-mortality relationships to replace LC50 values. Inhalation Toxicology 2: 105-117.

  4. Smeets, J.F.M., Odink, J., Visser, I.J.R., Schoen, E.D., and Snijders, J.M.A. (1990) Haematology and blood-chemistry for predicting abscesses and other abnormalities in slaughtered pigs. The Veterinary Quarterly 12: 146-151.

  5. Wolff, K., Schoen, E.D., and Peters – van Rijn, J. (1993) Optimizing the generation of random amplified polymorphic DNA in chrysanthemum. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 86: 1033-1037.

  6. Schoen, E.D. (1996) Statistical designs in combination toxicology: a matter of choice. Food and Chemical Toxicology 34: 1059-1065.

  7. Groten, J.P., Schoen, E.D., and Feron, V.J. (1996) Use of factorial designs in combination toxicity studies. Food and Chemical Toxicology 32: 1083-1089.

  8. Groten, J.P., Schoen, E.D., van Bladeren, P.J., Kuper, C.F., van Zorge, J.A., and Feron, V.J. (1997) Subacute toxicity of a combination of nine chemicals in rats: detecting interactive effects with a fractionated two-level factorial design. Fundamental and Applied Toxicology 36: 15-29.

  9. Schoen, E.D., and Wolff, K. (1997) Design and analysis of a fractional 4¹3¹2⁵ split-plot experiment. Journal of Applied Statistics 24: 409-419.

  10. Groten, J.P., Tajima, O., Feron, V.J., and Schoen, E.D. (1998) Statistically designed experiments to screen chemical mixtures for possible interactions. Environmental Health Perspectives 106, Suppl 6: 1361-1365.

  11. Schoen, E.D. (1999) Designing fractional two-level experiments with nested error structures. Journal of Applied Statistics 26: 495-508.

  12. Maas, W.J.M., de Graaf, I.A.M., Schoen, E.D., Koster, H.J., van de Sandt, J.J.M., and Groten, J.P. (2000) Assessment of some critical factors in the freezing technique for the cryopreservation of precision-cut rat liver slices. Cryobiology 40: 250-263.

  13. Schoen, E.D., and Kaul, E.A.A. (2000) Three robust scale estimators to judge unreplicated experiments. Journal of Quality Technology 32: 276-283.

  14. Tajima, O., Schoen, E.D., Feron, V.J., and Groten, J.P. (2002) Statistically designed experiments in a tiered approach to screen mixtures of Fusarium mycotoxins for possible interactions. Food and Chemical Toxicology 40: 685-695.

  15. Bingham, D.R., Schoen, E.D., and Sitter, R.R. (2004) Designing fractional factorial split-plot experiments with few whole-plot factors. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series C 53: 325-339; Corrigendum: Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series C 54: 955-958.

  16. Schoen, E.D. (2004) Dispersion-effects detection after screening for location effects in unreplicated experiments. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 126: 289-304.

  17. Feron, V.J., Groten, J.P., Hermus, R.J.J., Jonker, D., Meijerman, I., Mulder, G.J., Salmon, F., and Schoen, E.D. (2005) Designing experiments for food-drug synergy: safety aspects. In: Food-drug synergy and safety (L.V. Thompson and W.E. Ward, editors; Boca Raton: CRC/Taylor & Francis).

  18. Schoen, E.D. (2009) All orthogonal arrays with 18 runs. Quality and Reliability Engineering International 25: 467-480.

  19. Schoen, E.D., Eendebak, P.T., and Nguyen, M.V.M. (2010) Complete enumeration of pure-level and mixed-level orthogonal arrays. Journal of Combinatorial Designs 18: 123-140.

  20. Schoen, E.D. (2010) Optimum designs versus orthogonal arrays for main effects and two-factor interactions. Journal of Quality Technology 42: 197-208.

  21. Schoen, E.D., Goos, P., and Jones, B. (2011) A split-plot experiment with factor-dependent whole plot sizes. Journal of Quality Technology 43: 66-79.

  22. Schoen, E.D., and Mee, R.W. (2012) Two-level designs of strength 3 and up to 48 runs. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series C 61: 163-174.

  23. Sartono, B., Goos, P., and Schoen, E.D. (2012) Classification of three-level strength-3 arrays. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 142: 794-809.

  24. Schoen, E.D. (2012) Designs for two-stage intensive screening of pharmaceutical production processes. Statistics in Biopharmaceutical Research 4: 336-347.

  25. Schoen, E.D., and Van der Voort Maarschalk, K. (2012) Adding a factor in the course of a design space characterization. Journal of Pharmaceutical Innovation 7: 163-173.

  26. Schoen, E.D., Sartono, B., and Goos, P. (2013) Optimum blocking for general resolution-3 designs. Journal of Quality Technology 45: 166-187.

  27. Schoen, E.D., Rubingh, C.M., Wopereis, S., and Van Erk, M. (2013) Controlling false discovery rates in factorial experiments with between-subjects and within-subjects tests. BMC Research Notes 6: 204.

  28. Garai, M., Schoen, E., Behler, G., Bragado, B., Chudalla, M., Conter, M., Defrance, J., Demizieux, P., Glorieux, C., and Guidorzi, P. (2014) Repeatability and reproducibility of in situ measurements of sound reflection and airborne sound insulation index of noise barriers. Acta Acustica / Acustica 100: 1186-1201.

  29. Schoen, E.D., and Goos, P. (2015) Discussion on ‘The case against normal plots of effects’. Journal of Quality Technology 47: 114-118.

  30. Sartono, B., Goos, P., and Schoen, E.D. (2015) Blocking orthogonal designs with mixed integer linear programming. Technometrics 57: 428-439.

  31. Sartono, B., Goos, P., and Schoen, E.D. (2015) Constructing general orthogonal fractional factorial split-plot designs. Technometrics 57: 488-502.

  32. Jones, B., Schoen, E.D., and Montgomery, D.C. (2016) A comparison of two-level designs to estimate all main effects and two-factor interactions. Quality Engineering 28: 369-380.

  33. Eendebak, P.T., and Schoen, E.D. (2017) Two-level designs to estimate all main effects and two-factor interactions. Technometrics 59: 69-79.

  34. Mee, R.W., Schoen, E.D., and Edwards, D.J. (2017) Selecting an orthogonal or nonorthogonal two-level design for screening. Technometrics 59: 305-318.

  35. Kooter, I.M., Gröllers-Mulderij, M., Duistermaat, E., Kuper, F., and Schoen, E.D. (2017) Factors of concern in a human 3D cellular airway model exposed to aerosols of nanoparticles. Toxicology in Vitro 44: 339-348.

  36. Schoen, E.D., Vo-Thanh, N., and Goos, P. (2017) Two-level orthogonal screening designs with 24, 28, 32, and 36 runs. Journal of the American Statistical Association 112: 1354-1369.

  37. Vo-Thanh, N., Jans, R., Schoen, E.D. and Goos, P. (2018) Symmetry breaking in mixed integer linear programming formulations for blocking two-level orthogonal experimental designs.  Computers & Operations Research 97: 96-110.

  38. Schoen, E.D., Eendebak, P.T., and Goos, P. (2019) A classification criterion for definitive screening designs. The Annals of Statistics 47: 1179-1202.

  39. Schoen, E.D., Vo-Thanh, N., and Goos, P. (2019) Orthogonal blocking arrangements for 24-run and 28-run two-level designs. Journal of Quality Technology 51: 143-158.

  40. Goos, P. and Schoen, E.D. (2019) Discussion Discussion on “Søren Bisgaard’s contributions to Quality Engineering: Design of experiments”. Quality Engineering, 31: 157-161.

  41. Vazquez, A.R., Goos, P., and Schoen, E.D. (2019) Constructing two-level designs by concatenation of strength-3 orthogonal arrays. Technometrics 61: 219-232.

  42. Vazquez, A.R., Goos, P., and Schoen, E.D. (2020) Projections of definitive screening designs by dropping columns: selection and evaluation. Technometrics 62: 37-47.

  43. Vo-Thanh, N., Schoen, E.D., and Goos, P. (2020) Row-column arrangements of regular and nonregular fractional factorial two-level designs. Journal of Quality Technology 52: 304-322.

  44. Vo-Thanh, N., Goos, P. and Schoen, E.D. (2020) Integer programming approaches to find row–column arrangements of two-level orthogonal
    experimental designs. IISE Transactions 52: 780-796.

  45. Schoen, E.D. and Wopereis, S. (2020) A new randomization procedure based on multiple covariates and applicable to parallel studies with simultaneous enrollment of all subjects prior to intervention. BMC Medical Research Methodology 20: 222.

  46. Vazquez, A.R., Schoen, E.D. and Goos, P. (2021) A mixed integer optimization approach for model selection in screening experiments. Journal of Quality Technology 53: 243-266.

  47. Kort, R., Schlösser, J., Vazquez, A.R., Atukunda, P., Muhoozi, G.K.M., Wacoo A.P., Sybesma W.F.H., Westerberg A.C., Iversen P.O., and Schoen E.D. (2021) Model Selection Reveals the Butyrate-Producing Gut Bacterium Coprococcus eutactus as Predictor for Language Development in 3-Year-Old Rural Ugandan Children.  Frontiers in Microbiology 12: 1406.

  48. Vazquez, A.R., Schoen, E.D. and Goos, P. (2022) Two-level orthogonal screening designs with 80, 96, and 112 runs, and up to 29 factors. Journal of Quality Technology 54: 338-358.

  49. Schoen, E.D., Eendebak, P.T., Vazquez, A.R. and Goos, P. (2022) Systematic enumeration of definitive screening designs. Statistics and Computing 32: 109.

  50. Eendebak, P.T., Schoen, E.D., Vazquez, A.R. and Goos, P. (2023) Systematic enumeration of two-level even-odd designs of strength3. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis 180: 107678.

  51. Núñez Ares, J., Schoen, E.D. and Goos, P. (2023) Orthogonal minimally aliased response surface designs for three-level quantitative factors and two-level categorical factors. Statistica Sinica 33: 107-126.

  52. Bohyn, A., Schoen, E.D. and Goos, P. (2023) Enumeration of regular fractional factorial designs with four-level and two-level factors. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series C 72: 750-769.

  53. Schoen, E.D. and Mee, R.W. (2023) Order-of-addition orthogonal arrays to study the effect of treatment ordering. The Annals of Statistics 51: 1877-1894.

  54. Bohyn, A., Schoen, E.D., Ng, C.P., Bishard, K., Haarmans, M., Trietsch, S.J. and Goos, P. (2023). Design and analysis of a microplate assay in the presence of multiple restrictions on the randomization. Journal of Agricultural Biological and Environmental Statistics 29: 745-765.

  55. Bohyn, A., Schoen, E.D. and Goos, P. (2024) Optimal orthogonal designs for experiments with four-level and two-level factors. Statistics and Computing 34: 199.

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